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Time : 2020-11-06 17:54:38
VFDs (Variable Frequency Drives) are used for less frequency than fixed speeds controllers. It can be used efficiently to ensure savings in production cost and significantly reduce energy use. It uses an AC motor to control pump and fans in a system without using dampers and valves.
A fixed speed motor has to be controlled using dampers and valves but with them a large amount of energy is used, even when there is a no need for consumption of energy in high degree, while VFD can create same operational efficiency specific to the requirement without high pressure and power needed to adjust the flow.
Adjustable Fan and Pump Speed
VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) is being able to easily adjust the fans and pump speed. If a fan is required to be running at half speed then power requirement could be reduced exponentially. This adjustment is based on the load requirement at the time, because a VFD (Variable Frequency Speed) can connect to multiple motors, so adjustment can be synchronized as well. The accelerations and decelerations are in sync more and evenly distribute the load and reduce the losses. These all can be done without any break and further optimizing energy done.
Another adjustment can change the voltage to frequency ratio to the ideal current. It is done to minimize the losses in the motor. Variable frequency drive can also match the voltages in multiple motors and transfer load from one to another. In synchronizing system, software used with variable frequency drives can help to improve the communication between drives to improve the efficiency.
High Power Factors
When VFDs (Variable Frequency Drives) raise a system’s power system then the energy is also used more effectively. High power factors mean that the system uses more quantity of the supplied energy in a productive way and losing it in the form of the waste. Excess current drawn in VFD can be avoided with variable speeds. Using VFD can avoid the peak varying speeds, allowing the motor to be brought to speed gradually and this eliminates some peak demand charges.
The size and weight of the variable frequency drive can be reduced if it doesn’t have a transformer. That means less heat is produced and there is no more need for air conditioner. Some VFDs actually regenerate the energy, and this energy can be turned around and used in the system.