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home > Solutions > Pump & Fans > Application of KD600 permanent magnet synchronous inverter in fan


Application of KD600 permanent magnet synchronous inverter in fan


In  recent years,  China's  economy  has  sustained  rapid  development,  energy  problems  have become more and more to become the main elbow of the development of the industry, and with the  rapid  rise  in  energy  prices,  the fierce competition  in the  domestic  market,  energy conservation  has  become  the  main  problem  facing  the  development  of  many  ind-ustries, especially  some  energy  consumption   is   relatively   large   industries   such   as   petroleu-m, chemical,  pharmaceutical,  metallurgy,  manufacturing,  environmental  protection,  munici-pal and other industries. According to the data, the total capacity of high and low voltage motors in China is more than 35000MW, most of them are fan pump loads, and most of them work in high energy consumption and low efficiency.

General fan, pump system most of the valve to adjust the water flow or pressure, baffle this regulation is to increase the loss of the pipe network, consume a lot of energy at the cost, therefore, inevitably cause the waste of electric energy. And because the design, the system is designed  according  to  the  maximum  load,  in  the  actual  operation,  most  of  the  time  the system is impossible to run in the full load state, there is a large surplus, so there is a large energy saving potential.

Using KD600 frequency conversion speed control device, by changing the speed of the fan, so as  to  change  the  fan  air  volume  to  meet  the  needs  of  the  production  process,  and  the operation  energy  consumption  is  the  most  saving,  the  highest  comprehensive  benefit. Therefore, variable frequency speed regulation is an efficient and optimal speed regulation scheme, which can realize the stepless speed regulation of the fan, and can conveniently form a closed-loop control system to achieve constant pressure or constant flow control. 

Frequency conversion speed regulation energy-saving principle

According to the principle of fluid mechanics, the relationship between shaft power P and air volume Q and wind pressure H of the fan driven by induction motor is as follows:

“Q*H When the speed of the motor changes from n1 to n2, the relationship between Q, H, P and the speed is as follows:

Frequency conversion speed regulation energy-saving principle

It can  be  seen that the air volume Q  is  proportional to the  speed  n  of the  motor,  and the required shaft power P is proportional to the cube of the speed. Therefore, when 80% of the rated air volume is required, by adjusting the speed of the motor to 80% of the rated speed, that  is,  adjusting  the  frequency  to  40.00Hz,  the  required  power  will  only  be  51.2%  of  the original.

As  shown  in  Figure  (1),  the  energy  saving  effect  after  adopting variable  frequency  speed regulation is analyzed from the operation curve of the fan.

Frequency conversion speed regulation energy-saving principle

When  the  required  air  volume  decreases  from  Q1  to  Q2,  if  the  method  of  adjusting  the damper is adopted, the pipe network resistance will increase, the pipe network charact-eristic curve will move up, the operating condition point of the system will change from point A to the new operating condition point B, and the required shaft power P2 is pro-portionalto the area H2×Q2. If the speed control mode is adopted, the fan speed drops from n1 to n2, the network characteristics do not change, but the fan characteristic curve will move down, so its operating condition point is moved from A to C. At this time, the required shaft power P3 is proportional to the area HB×Q2. Theoretically, the shaft power Delt(P) saved is proportional to the area of (H2-HB) × (C-B).
Considering the  reduction  of efficiency after  deceleration and the additional  loss  of speed regulating  device,  through   practical  statistics,  fans  can  save  energy   by  speed   regulating control up to 20% ~ 50%.

Variable frequency speed control advantage

  • The power  factor  of  the  network  side  is  improved:  when the  original  motor  is  directly driven by the power frequency, the power factor is about 0.85 at full load, and the ac-tual running power factor is much lower than 0.8. After adopting the frequency conve-rsion speed  regulation system, the  power factor of the  power side can  be  increased to  more than  0.9,  and  the   reactive  power  can   be  greatly   reduced  without  the   reactive  power compensation  device, which  can  meet  the  requirements  of  the  power  grid  and  further save the operating costs of upstream equipment.

  • Equipment  operation  and  maintenance  costs decreased:  After  the use of  frequency co- nversion  adjustment,  due to the  adjustment  of  motor  speed  to  achieve  energy  saving, when the  load  rate  is  low,  the  motor  speed  is  also  reduced,  the  main  equipment  and corresponding  auxiliary  equipment  such  as  bearings  wear  less  than  before,  the  maint- enance  cycle  can  be  extended,  equipment  operating  life  is  extended;  And  after  the conversion transformation, the opening of the damper can reach 100%, and the operationis not under pressure, which can significantly reduce the maintenance of the damper. In the  operation  of  the  frequency  converter,  only  need  to  regularly  dust  the  frequency converter, without stopping, to ensure the continuity of production. With the  needs of production, adjust the speed of the fan, and then adjust the air volume of the fan, which not only meets the requirements of the production process, but also greatly reduces the work  intensity.  After  adopting  frequency  conversion  technology  for  speed  regulation, mechanical wear is  reduced,  maintenance workload  is  reduced, and  maintenance  costs are reduced.

  • After the frequency conversion speed  regulating  device  is  used,  the  motor  can  be  soft- started, and the current does not exceed 1.2 times the rated current of the motor when starting,  without  any  impact  on  the   power  grid,  and  the  service   life  of  the   motor  is extended. In the entire operating range, the motor can ensure smooth operation, reduce losses, and  normal temperature  rise. The  noise  and  starting current of the fan are very small when starting, without any abnormal vibration and noise.

  • Compared with the original old system, the inverter has a number of protection functions such as overcurrent, short circuit, overvoltage, undervoltage, lack of phase, temperature rise, etc., to better protect the motor.

  • Simpleoperation  and  convenient  operation.  Parameters  such as air  volume  or pressure can be set remotely by computer to achieve intelligent regulation.

  • Theability to adapt to power grid voltage fluctuations is strong, the voltage working range is wide,  and  the  system  can  operate  normally  when  the  power  grid  voltage  fluctuates between -15% and +10%.

    Application site

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Post time:02-22-2025
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